Saturday, September 23, 2017

For the week of 9/25/2017

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading:  This week we will be reading a fiction story, “The Wind and the Sun” and comparing/contrasting it with our non-fiction “Sun” book we read last week.  One learning target for our students is for them to be able to explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information.  We will introduce the children to a Venn diagram as we compare/contrast these books as well.

Your child will be coming home with their guided reading book to read in their “book in a bag.”  Please remember to practice reading your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.  Ask them comprehension questions, such as, “Who are the characters?” and “Tell me what happened in this story.”

Writing: Students will continue writing about “small moments” throughout our personal narrative writing unit.  We will also work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons (we are exploring pop-out words, bold print words, and ellipses this week).

Grammar: We will continue to review capitals and end marks this week.  Remember your sentence checker (a sentence must include): capital letters, spaces, brave spelling, makes sense, and end marks!

Word Study/Spelling: 
Read and Write Words: REVIEW of Read and Write Words this quarter (teacher chooses 5)      of     and   you   was       are 

Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter.  Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.

Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families       eg  et  en   (short e)
Ex: beg, leg, get, hen, when

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute.  Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:

: The Sun
Social Studies: Map Skills (introduce)

Homework: Continue working on homework log.
J Thank you for your home support!


-Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut-free snack for the am. 
-Please return your Aurora Reads volunteer form.
-School Pictures: Sept. 26th   Smile!!!
-Our Hiram College Field Trip: Friday, September 29th: Wear your green class shirt and bring a nut-free brown bag lunch!
-Parent teacher Conferences: October 9th, 10th, 11th  
-No School October 13th
-End of 1st Grading Period: October 20th

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Stuffed Animal Day

Reading with a Friend

Our students practiced read to someone with a friend and their stuffed animal buddy! 

For the Week of 9/18/2017

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading:  This week we will be reading the story, Sun.  Students will work on identifying the text features in a non-fiction book.

Your child will be coming home with their guided reading book to read in their “book in a bag.”  Please remember to practice reading your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.  Ask them comprehension questions, such as, “Who are the characters?” and “Tell me what happened in this story.”

Writing: Students will continue writing about “small moments” throughout our personal narrative writing unit.  We will also work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons.

Grammar: We will continue to review verbs this week. Check out this awesome song to help identify what a verb is on You Tube!

Word Study/Spelling: 
Fry Words: at   be   or  this  one 
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter.  Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families       ug  ut  un   (short u)
Ex: tug, mug, hut, fun,

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute.  Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

Homework: Continue working on homework log! Thank you for your home support!

 -Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free snack for the am. 
-Please return the Aurora Reads volunteer form
-School Pictures Sept. 26th
-Hiram Field Trip September 29th (Please dress your child in their green Aurora class shirt and send you child with a brown bag lunch)
-Parent teacher Conferences: October 9th, 10th, 11th (Please sign up on sign-up genius if you have not already)
-No School October 13th
-End of 1st Grading Period: October 20th

Hurricane School Donations

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Shared Reading in our Pajamas!

Our students practiced choral reading Pig in a Wig during our shared reading time.  It was even more fun in our pajamas!  

Arrow Cards in Math

Our students used Arrow Cards to learn place value with tens and ones.  They built and decomposed numbers using the cards.  

Friday, September 8, 2017

For the week of 9/11/2017

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “The Big Blue Ox” (Fiction Text) We will work on describing important parts of a story, including the characters, setting, and a major event. 

Please continue to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.  These books are from guided reading, and it is important for your child to practice rereading them at home.  Please return “the book in a bag” the next day.  Thank you!!

Writing: We will be continuing writing workshop and brainstorming small moments.  Students will work on writing about personal “small moments” as we continue our personal narrative writing unit. The students are learning how to write a story across pages with an introduction, details, and ending. They have learned how to plan before writing, and we are focusing on revising by adding detailed sentences.  This week, we will focus on adding details that make our stories ‘come to life’.  Students will also reread their writing to find parts to edit.  We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, spelling, and end marks through mini-lessons.  While the students write, I will conference with the children every week to reinforce the application of what we are learning.  

Grammar: We will continue to review nouns and introduce verbs.  We will practice identifying both nouns and verbs in a sentence.

Word Study/Spelling
Read and Write Words:  as     with   his   they    I
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyming words. We are working on short vowel “o”.
Feature/Pattern of the week: Word Families -  op     ot    og 
Ex: hop, pop, lot, jot, dog, frog

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. By the end of the school year, one goal is for students to complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. We are also working on place value- that a number is made up of tens and ones.  The kids then use their knowledge of tens and ones when adding and subtracting, while using different materials to solve. Students will also build and decompose two-digit numbers.  We will continue to talk about story problems, and learn about a number sentence, answer, and labeling an answer.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

-Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free, non-messy snack for the am.
- Homework: Please continue your homework logs.  The homework log can be returned at the end of each month. There are ideas for how to practice with homework on the back of the log. J Thank you for your home support!
- Behavior Communication Chart:  Please keep your child’s chart in their take home folder.  They will complete their chart daily to communicate if they were ready to learn or not throughout the day. 
-Please remember to send back your child’s field trip form for our Hiram field trip.
- Everyone should have received emails from Sign Up Genius- to sign up for a Fall conference and to sign up as a guest reader.  

Sunday, September 3, 2017

For the Week of 9/4/2017

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “Pig in a Wig” (Fiction Text) We will continue working on identifying the main idea of a fiction text.  We will also work on retelling a story, focusing on beginning, middle, and end.
I will be starting Guided Reading this week.  This is where I have the opportunity to work with your child at his/her reading level. Your child will be coming home with their guided reading book to practice in their “book in a bag.” Please remember to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.  It is important to always return “the book in a bag” the next day.  Thank you!!

Writing: We will be continuing writing workshop and brainstorming small moments.  Students will work on writing about personal “small moments” as we continue our personal narrative writing unit. The students are learning how to write a story across pages with an introduction, details, and ending. They have learned how to plan before writing, and we started to focus on revising by adding detailed sentences.  We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, spelling, and end marks through mini-lessons.  While the students write, I will conference with the children every week to reinforce the application of what we are learning.    

Grammar: We will be reviewing what makes a COMPLETE sentence and identifying the naming and telling part of a sentence.  We will really focus on the naming part and learn what a noun is.

Word Study/Spelling: 
Read and Write Words:  he   was   for  on  are
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyming words. We are working on short vowel “i.”
Feature/Pattern of the week: Word Families -  ip  ig  ill 
Ex: lip, hip, dig, pig, bill, pill

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. By the end of the school year, one goal is for students to complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.   We are also working on place value- that a number is made up of tens and ones.  The kids then use their knowledge of tens and ones when adding and subtracting.  This week we will practice building numbers within 100- really focusing on building numbers that are 10 more and 10 less.  We will start to talk about story problems, and learn about a number sentence, answer, and labeling an answer.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

-Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free, non messy snack for the am.
- Homework: I sent home the first homework log for the month of September on Friday. The homework log can be returned at the end of each month. There are ideas for how to practice with homework on the back of the log. J Thank you for your home support!
- Behavior Communication Chart:  This will also start next week for the month of September.  The chart will stay in your child’s take home folder.  They will complete their chart daily to communicate if they were ready to learn or not throughout the day. 
-Please remember to send back your child’s field trip form for our Hiram field trip.

-Everyone should have received emails from Sign Up Genius- to sign up for a Fall conference and to sign up as a guest reader.  

Pictures of our Friends this Week!

Madelyn made a sweet sign for our supply pick-up! :) Elizabeth balancing her number sentences! :) Grace measured her Lego bi...