Friday, May 24, 2019

Field Day

The students had so much fun at field day!  They worked together, cheered each other on, and had a blast with all of the activities!  

Observing our Class Tree

We observed our class maple tree one last time for our spring observation.  We observed it for every season!  This time we noticed a lot of maple seeds on the ground, and the kids threw them up in the air!  

Library Field Trip

The students had so much fun checking out books and learning about the Aurora library on our field trip! 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

For the week of 5/20/19

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: The students will be reading the fiction story, “The Night Before Summer Vacation”. We will focus on asking and answering questions about key details in a text.  We will also review how to figure out new vocabluary words that we do not know as we read.  As always, we will be reading poetry for fluency and expression practice.

*We are done with guided reading for the year. Please return any guided reading books and book bags that still may be at home.

Writing:  The first graders will finish their writing unit for fourth quarter, realistic fiction.  We introduced this unit by discussing story elements in realistic fiction.  Each story includes a character, place (setting), and plot (trouble) that their character gets into. The children have been expected to write a story that has two or more events, with details, transition words, and a satisfying ending. They have even been working on series about the same character. The children will choose their best story to revise, edit, and publish this week. 

Word Study/Spelling
Fry Words:  Review Fry Words (fourth quarter)

Feature/Pattern of the week: Long Vowel Review: a, e, i, o, u (no assessment)

Grammar: Review of skills 

Phonics: long u and short u; vowels ui, ew, ue, oo

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. 
This week we will focus on fun math activities to review all we have learned this year! 
4th grading period Science and Social Studies:Science: Plants
Social Studies:  Historical Thinking and Skills & Heritage

     **May 20th- Field Trip to Library- please wear comfortable shoes because we will be walking.
     **May 21st- Kindergarteners are coming to visit our school
     **May 23rd- Assembly for Mrs. Troman’s retirement-please wear her favorite color-puprle! 
     ** May 24th- field day- a link was sent in an email if you would like to sign up to volunteer.
     ** May 29th- Right to Read Day- the first graders will get to go to each second grade classroom and do a fun literacy activity with the teachers.  The second graders will visit the first grade classrooms to do fun activities with the teachers. JJ
     **May 30th-Last day-wear your tie dye shirt! 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Career Week

Mrs. Carey came in to teach the students about being a physical therapist!  The kids were interested to learn about this career and try out some of the equipment!  Thanks Mrs. Carey for sharing your career with us!  

For the week of 5/13/19

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: The students will be reading the fiction story, “Dot and Jabber”. We will focus on asking and answering questions about key details in a text.  We will also review main idea.  Additionally the students will need to use the pictures and details from the story to tell about the characters, setting, and events.  As always, we will be reading poetry for fluency and expression practice.

*We will be finishing Guided Reading this week so that we can complete individual end of year assessments with the children. Please return any guided reading books that still may be at home.

Writing:  The first graders will finish their writing unit for fourth quarter, realistic fiction.  We introduced this unit by discussing story elements in realistic fiction.  Each story includes a character, place (setting), and plot (trouble) that their character gets into. The children have been expected to write a story that has two or more events, with details, transition words, and a satisfying ending. They have even been working on series about the same character. The children will choose their best story to revise, edit, and publish. They will also have the opportunity to do a writing assessment where they will write a new story to demonstrate everything they learned about a realistic fiction story.   

Word Study/Spelling
Fry Words:  Review Fry Words (fourth quarter)

Feature/Pattern of the week: Long Vowel Review: a, e, i, o, u (no assessment)

Grammar: Prepositions Continued

Phonics: long o : silent e, oa, ow  (home, boat, grow)  and diphthongs: ou/ow

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. 
This week we will focus on measurement.  We will also measure with non-standard units.  We will also review telling time.

4th grading period Science and Social Studies:Science: Plants
Social Studies:  Historical Thinking and Skills & Heritage

**May 14- Tie dye day in Art- bring in a white t-shirt, a flier was sent home about this.  
**Book swap- if you have any gently used books to donate, send them in for the book swap in the library.
     **May 20th- Field Trip to Library- please wear comfortable shoes because we will be walking.
     ** May 24th- field day- a link was sent in an email if you would like to sign up to volunteer.
     ** May 29th- Right to Read Day- the first graders will get to go to each second grade classroom and do a fun literacy activity with the teachers.  The second graders will visit the first grade classrooms to do fun activities with the teachers. JJ

Thursday, May 2, 2019

For the week of 5/6/19

What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: The students will be reading the nonfiction story, “Flip, Float, Fly Seeds on the Move”. We will focus on identifying words and phrases in the story that suggest feelings.  Additionally the students will need to use the pictures and details from the story to tell about the characters, setting, and events.  As always, we will be reading poetry for fluency and expression practice.

*Please continue to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing:  The first graders will continue their writing unit for fourth quarter, realistic fiction.  We introduced this unit by discussing story elements in realistic fiction. Each story will include a character, place (setting), and plot (trouble) that their character gets into. By the end of this unit, the children will be expected to write a story that has two or more events, with details, transition words, and a wrap-up sentence. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons.  During this unit, each child will write a made up story with characters doing realistic things and revisit his or her writing to self-assess and revise.  The children will be exploring the option of writing a series about a character. 

Word Study/Spelling:  
Fry Words:  Review Fry Words (fourth quarter)
Feature/Pattern of the week: Long Vowels e, o, u (no formal assessment)
PhonicsLong e (ee/ea) and Short e (ea)
Math:Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.  
This week we will finish our unit on shapes (defining and non-defining attributes).
4th grading period Science and Social Studies: Science: Plants
Social Studies:  Historical Thinking and Skills & Heritage

Career Week (Week of 5/6)
Parent Career Day speeches-please contact me if you would like to come in (May 9th)
Kid Career Day speeches (May 10th)
Tie Dye in Art (Tuesday, May 14th)-see letter that came home from Ms. Hickey


Pictures of our Friends this Week!

Madelyn made a sweet sign for our supply pick-up! :) Elizabeth balancing her number sentences! :) Grace measured her Lego bi...