Sunday, December 22, 2019

What we're learning this week:

Week of January 6th

What We’re Learning This Week: Week of January 6th

Reading: Ocean Animals (Non-Fiction)
Students will be working on retelling the story, “Ocean Animals.”  We will also identify the main idea and key details. Students will show connections to how the animals are built to survive. We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5/centers. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

Writing: We will begin our new writing unit which is non-fiction writing. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons. Students will be working on teaching others facts/information they know about a specific topic.

Word Study/Spelling:
•Spelling patterns: -k, -wh, -qu, -tw (ex: quit, king, when, twig)
• Read/Write words-big, her, over

• Compound words and review of verb tense

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At the end of first grade, students will need to solve 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. Students will be working on numbers and operations in base ten. This is game week (ex: Equal Sums, Speed, How Many Am I Hiding?)!

3rd grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: Living and Non-Living Things (gummyworms and mealworms)
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories
Homework: See January Homework Log. Thank you for your home support!


Happy New Year!

January 10th-Report Cards come home
Please sign and return your child’s report card envelope *(you may keep the report card).

Fun at the Winter Party!

Working on the Chromebooks

Making and Selling Goods for our School Store

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Spirit Week this Week!

MONDAY – December 16th = Rainbow Day!
TUESDAY – December 17th = Green Day! [Wear lots of green!]

WEDNESDAY – December 18th = Whacky Day!
THURSDAY – December 19th = PJ/Stuffed Animal/Movie Day!
FRIDAY – December 20th = Hat Day!

Playing 120 Dice

The kids played a dice game where they practiced writing their numbers in order through 120!

Friday, December 13, 2019

What We’re Learning: Week of December 16th

 Reading:  We will be reading a VARIETY of holiday books. **I will be doing several individual assessments for the end of the quarter.  As a result, I may not be able to follow my normal guided reading schedule every day.  Therefore, your child may not receive as many guided reading books in the next couple weeks.  Please continue to practice reading the book in bag with your child when they do bring it home.  If they do not bring a new book home that day, they can read a choice book or work on Raz-Kids.  

Writing: We are wrapping up our Opinion pieces.  They have learned to review a collection and make choices about which item in that collection is the best, writing defenses for those judgments.  The students have also learned to write a review about anything, such as toys, restaurants, video games, movies, and book reviews.  They have summarized, evaluated, judged, and defended their judgments. This week we will celebrate our published writing by reading it to friends.  I will continue to conference with students and reinforce the application of what we are learning.

Word Study/Spelling
-Letter Name- Consonants Blends: pr, tr, dr, br (trim, drip, prep, brim
-Read and Write Fry Words: all, away, back
-Grammar: Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future 

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute.  Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.   We will continue to work on surveys and collecting data, as well as representing the data in a picture graph.  We also will work on answering questions about the data.  

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:
: Habitats/ Wants and Needs
Social Studies: Economics – we will learn about needs and wants.

Homework: Continue with the homework calendar. Thank you for your continued home support!

-Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut-free snack!
-please make sure you are checking take home folder nightly
-Winter/Holiday Celebration- December 20th
- End of 2nd grading period- December 20th
- Winter break for students: Dec. 23rd - Jan. 5th (back on the 6th)

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What We’re Learning: Week of December 9th:

Reading:  We will be reading a fiction story called “Ruby in her Own Time”.   We will focus on using words to describe how the main character changed throughout the book.  We will also review characters, setting, and a major event.  Your child will continue to come home with a guided reading book to read in their “book in a bag.”  Please remember to practice reading your child’s book-in-a-bag with them.  Ask them comprehension questions, such as, “Who are the characters?” and “Tell me what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of this story.”  **I will be doing several individual assessments for the end of the quarter.  As a result, I may not be able to follow my normal guided reading schedule every day.  Therefore, your child may not receive as many guided reading books in the next couple weeks.  Please continue to practice reading the book in bag with your child when they do bring it home.  If they do not bring a new book home that day, they can read a choice book or work on Raz-Kids.  

Writing: We will continue our opinion writing unit.  They have learned to review a collection and make choices about which item in that collection is the best, writing defenses for those judgments.  The students have also learned to write a review about anything, such as toys, restaurants, video games, movies, and book reviews.  They have summarized, evaluated, judged, and defended their judgments. This week we will begin to pick a piece to edit and publish for the end of our writing unit.  I will continue to conference with students and reinforce the application of what we are learning.

Word Study/Spelling
-Letter Name- Consonants Blends: cr, cl, fr, gl, gr (crab, clip, frog, glad, grip
-Read and Write Fry Words: went, will, your
-Grammar: Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future 

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies.  Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10.  Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute.  Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.   We will continue to work on surveys and collecting data, as well as representing the data in a picture graph.  We also will work on answering questions about the data.  

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:
: Habitats/ Wants and Needs
Social Studies: Economics – we will learn about needs and wants.

Homework: Continue working on homework log for the month. Thank you for your continued home support!

-Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut-free snack!
- Holiday Shop—Our class shops on Tuesday, December 10. 
-Winter/Holiday Celebration- December 20th
- End of 2nd grading period- December 20th
- Winter break for students: Dec. 23rd - Jan. 5th (back on the 6th)


Pictures of our Friends this Week!

Madelyn made a sweet sign for our supply pick-up! :) Elizabeth balancing her number sentences! :) Grace measured her Lego bi...