Friday, April 24, 2020

Earth Day Projects!!

Madelyn used a recycled water jug to create a buggy daycare.  It has a ramp for bugs to enter and, at night, the ramp will close and the cap will be removed so the bugs can still have fresh air and see the stars. The large rocks are the floor, the nuts are the playground, and the smaller rocks are chairs! :) 

Elizabeth made: 
-A volcano made out of a milk jug, paper towel and pipe cleaner
-Pluto now has a rocket blaster made from a fruit snack box, 2 diet coke plastic bottles and pipe cleaner
-A fan made out of paper
-An alien made from a butter container, pipe cleaner and bottle caps :) 

Grace took a take out container and made it into a place to hold her toys! :) 

Gavin got creative with this box! :) 

Makenna made a bird feeder! :) 

Kaylie made a flower! :) 

Anika painted rocks and played with her little sister! :) 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Pictures of our friends this week!

Ryan and his brother waiting for the parade! :) 

Santino with his parade sign! :) 

William reading before bedtime! :) 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pictures of our friends this week!

Elaina learned how to make homemade soft pretzels and the science behind yeast. While they waited for the dough to rise, her and her brother made letters and art for the nurses and doctors! :) 

William counted and organized money to practice his math skills! :) 

Leela had a new addition to her family! Baby Arya was born on April 3rd! :) 

Yara coloring with her brother Joe! :) 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Pictures of our friends this week!

Max watching the Pigeon read alouds! :) 

Elizabeth finding short a, e, and i words in her book! :) 

Kaylie got to get out and enjoy the sunshine! :) 

Fenno has been taking a lot of walks with his family!  He found a heart shaped tree stump and did a tree yoga pose on it! :) 

If you want pictures of your child on the blog so their friends can see, please email or send them on the remind app! :) 

Pictures of our Friends this Week!

Madelyn made a sweet sign for our supply pick-up! :) Elizabeth balancing her number sentences! :) Grace measured her Lego bi...