Saturday, August 12, 2017

Flexible Seating

What is flexible seating?
A classroom with flexible seating looks different from a traditional classroom that uses only desks and chairs.  Items such as mats, yoga balls, wobble chairs, standing desks, etc. are used to allow students to have options for where they can best work and learn.  The goal of flexible seating is to give students choice and to help them find the type of seating that allows them to achieve their best learning.  Their best learning spot may change throughout the day or week based on their needs or the work that they are being asked to do, so students will have the option of changing work spots when necessary.

How will flexible seating be introduced?
At the beginning of the school year, I invite the students to join me in creating a list of guidelines/rules for using the different seating options.  I spend time teaching them what it should look like when they are using the seats and community supplies and how to best take care of them.  I then allow students the opportunity to try out the different options in our classroom and determine where they work best.  They will be able to evaluate the choices available in order to choose the best spot for them to complete the task they are being asked to complete.

There are many different options for seating, but you will notice that all options still allow for a workspace for students.  Almost all of the seating choices are placed at tables, but individual desks are still available for students that prefer private workspace or show me that they need a bit more structure (or less choice).

I have seen many benefits in classrooms that incorporate flexible seating.  Implementing flexible seating has empowered our kids, increased student engagement, and has helped to prepare students for the real world.  Students enjoy having a choice about their seat and the responsibility that goes with it, and I hope your child will too!  

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